Municipal Court

View Court Docket

Judge Matt Smith

501 Virginia Street East
Charleston, WV 25301
P: (304) 348-8079
F: (304) 348-6894

Pay Citation

Mailing Address:

Municipal Court
PO BOX 2749
Charleston, WV 25301


Hours of Court Sessions

Tuesday at 3:30 p.m.

This court docket primarily includes traffic citations, Building Department Citations and Planning Department Citations

Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.

This court docket primarily includes misdemeanor criminal offenses and parking appeals.

Thursday at 3:30 p.m.

This court docket primarily includes traffic citations and Humane Officer citations.

  • Court doors open at 3:00 p.m. on each court date
  • The Court Docket roll call is called promptly at 3:30 p.m. for each session
  • The docket may be viewed outside the courtroom door on the day of court or on this website
  • Any defendant not present at roll call will be marked late; witnesses may be released if the defendant is not present at roll call
  • The Initial Arraignment or first court appearance date can be located at the bottom of a citation.
  • Dockets for court sessions are posted outside the courtroom the day before sessions are held

Method of Ticket Payment

Certified check, cash, money order, or personal check. Bond must be paid in cash. Any check returned for insufficient funds must be redeemed in cash and will be subject to a processing fee.

Request a Continuance

Use the Defendant’s Motion to Continue to request a different date for an upcoming court date.

IMPORTANT: All motions submitted less than 10 days prior to the court date will be reviewed by the Municipal Judge for a decision. The completion of the Motion to Continue does not guarantee a continuance.

If a continuance is granted by the judge, a summons with a new court date will be issued.

INSTRUCTIONS To File the Defendant’s Motion to Continue:

  • CLICK the form’s link below.
  • FILL in the fields on the document.
  • PRINT the form from your computer.
  • FILE the completed document with the Municipal Court.
Motion to Continue